Sunday, October 6, 2019

Confucianism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Confucianism - Essay Example In China where Confucianism was a way of life, it was a patriarchal society where the home was considered to be the center of social relations. Here women were never considered equal to the man and were expected above all to be obedient to their fathers or husbands and in later life to their grown sons. Confucianism takes a very practical view of matters regarding sexuality and hence homosexuality too was considered a normal facet of life. However today things have changed and although women have more freedom than ever before, the country is still deeply rooted in tradition and hence women are torn between personal freedom and traditional values. Gender and sexuality in modern societies is being increasingly studied in relation to the past, in order to understand how these societies have either progressed in their thinking on these subjects or have remained static on such issues. An understanding of past and present societies is possible only through a study and analysis of sexuality in past societies, and the way they are viewed today in those societies. China today an economic and industrial giant is the subject of much controversy and misunderstanding since Chinese society in the past has not been very open to the outside world. Today however, questions on sexuality and the roles of men and women in society are being looked at differently by the new generation due to western influences on Chinese society. The new generation of Chinese youth is going through a very rapid process of social change and is driven by consumerism as is the youth in most parts of the world today. This generation therefore looks at sexuality and g ender through a different prism and is more open. Therefore one may conclude that China is going through a social and sexual revolution. Historically women were treated as second class citizens with no legal rights and very little education. During the time of the imperial government, there

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