Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why I Am Who I Am Personality Description free essay sample

Abstract Personality development is a multifaceted concept it’s motivated by genetics, society, education and familial contributions. I have been called many things in regards to my personality aggressive, domineering, honest and opinionated but personally very few hold true. Without question I can admit I am honest but even more than that I am independent and loud. Aspects of my personality have been heavily influenced by not only my family and social relationships. My personality shaped me into the person that I am motivating me to keep being honest with people and going into the mental health field. Being able to keep people the truth with the right delivery and knowing when to be loud solidified my chosen career path. Personality Characteristics of My Life Many concepts of a personality development through genetic contributions but many develop externally as well. Together nature versus nurture comes together to create a beautiful masterpiece of human and human personality. We will write a custom essay sample on Why I Am Who I Am Personality Description or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It’s been said no man is an island and many factors contributed to who I am. Traits I do not want to argue, fuss or fight but no one’s listening to me, so I need to speak louder than anyone else so I won’t be ignored. A simple yet complex thought; is the most prominent area of my personality. Can you hear me, it’s impossible not to have been labeled as class loud mouth all through high school- I will not be silenced. Growing up my family was loud by normal standards and being one of the youngest my views and opinions were often disregarded but that became unacceptable. If I was to have a voice I had to express it loud and clear emphasis on the loud part. As the youngest child I struggled for anyone to not only listens to me but to take me serious so I began to raise my voice. What are you waiting for you need to work hard to get your own be independent. Education is paramount to say the least and countless times I heard the question; what do you think? To be educated meant to have an opinion about life and the world around one’s self. Molded to walking alone through education prompted me to rely on myself and my own thoughts to continue my growth not only educationally but with my social life is well. â€Å"Our actions are patterned and organized, rather than random and chaotic. As we move from place to place, we retain a stable sense of ourselves, our past, and our goals for the future. There is a unity to our experiences and action† Cervone and Pervin (2010). Do you call yourself an honest person, generally most people cannot and do not but yet I do. Honesty starts with first being honest with yourself, who you are and what you can accomplish. My friends have a running joke whenever they want my opinion and wanted the brutal truth they always ask for the Byrd truth. The definition of a Byrd truth is an unbiased answer meant to draw direct attention to the problem or solution and will not be sugarcoated. In childhood most we are taught not to lie but told to watch what and how we say things. My honesty became something I was known for after being told there is nothing wrong with being honest and it makes you look better. In my earlier years I thought this was a direct correlation if you were honest you were prettier and would continue to be, so I invested as much time as possible in being honest. Personality development is perplex and a part of who I am and molded by career choices and the type of people who I socialize with. Any field who can’t accept someone who is loud, honest and independent is not somewhere that I would choose to work for.

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